Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I have a lousy memory for details, and that includes for dates. Nevertheless noting the passage of time and remembering where I've been and how things change (or don't) always makes me a little nostalgic and I do think it's important to recognize anniversaries and milestones.

That said, the most important thing about today is that our little Bee is 6 weeks old!

I can hardly believe it's been that long, but then again, it's hard to imagine life without him now. He is definitely growing. I don't know his weight (we don't go back to the pediatrician for 2 more weeks) but let's just say one look at this cheeks and thighs and it's obvious he's gaining weight. That comes as no big surprise to me. The boy is an eating machine; it often seems as though he eats ALL the time. In fact, as I type this he is having a meal courtesy of my left boob.

This morning I had my 6-week postpartum appointment. It was pretty routine and quick, except when I mentioned that my left foot and ankle are still quite swollen, though the right side seems back to normal. This earned me an appointment in about an hour and a half to have an ultrasound on my leg to make sure there's no blood clot. The doctor said it would be odd for the swelling to be the only sympton, but she wants to get it checked out nonetheless. I don't mind having the scan, but I'm not excited about hauling the baby along to another appointment today.

There are 2 other anniversaries of note in our house this week. We are just past the anniversary of the fresh IVF cycle that produced the 3 extra blastocysts that were frozen and later thawed and transfered -- one of which implanted and grew into the little boy currently draining my left boob. The other anniversary of note is our wedding anniversary -- 10 years on Friday!!! Now that is hard to believe. My in-laws are coming up on Saturday to babysit so we can actually go out for dinner and celebrate a bit. You can believe that I'll be pumping and dumping that night so that I can enjoy a glass (or two!) of wine.

As I typed the above it occurred to me that it was around this time of year that I started this blog. I checked and discovered that my 2 year blogoversary was almost exactly a month ago. How time flies!


LJ said...

So much to celebrate! Happy anny, 6 weeks and blogoversary!

Meghan said...

Wow--he's really filled out in the last 3 weeks. He doesn't have that brand new "I'm scared of breaking you" baby look to him. And those cheeks are definitely looking pinchable ;)

Happy 6 weeks to the Bee and happy anniversary to you! Enjoy your dinner

Leah said...

He's GORGEOUS. I want to see him again, and Megan is dying to see the Lovebug again too. Let's talk about it on Sunday.

Happy anniversary, happy blogoversary, happy happy happy.


Anonymous said...

Haven't checked in in a while, and so so glad to see a happy ending!! He is adorable. Question: What was it that scarred your tubes? I am 38 and have been trying for a year, and I have no idea whether I'm fertile or what other problems I may have, but I sadly have had two D&Cs for miscarriages and wonder if they could have scarred the tubes. (Presumably not, and my womb looks fine, but I'm wondering what about pregnancy could scar the tubes.)