2 1/2 days old and all is well. Baby is well and we are both being released tomorrow afternoon. I can't believe that I get to go home and actually do normal stuff like walk around and eat meals at the table. I'm finding it even more incredible that our 35 1/2 weeker gets to come home too! After all the drama of this pregnancy, the birth and post-birth hospital stay have been remarkably NORMAL.
My recovery has had it's ups and downs, but that's pretty normal for a c-section. In short, I'm VERY grateful for Percoset and Ibuprofen! I was pretty miserable the second day (after the morphine wore off), but things were much improved today.
At our pediatrician's urging we are supplementing with formula, but before every feed we do give the breast a turn. I'm also pumping after every feed to try and stimulate things. Though my milk hasn't come in yet, thanks to the pump I have managed to produce some colostrum for the Bumblebee. Though his latch isn't great, he clearly enjoys being on the breast and he actually tries really hard, so I think we'll get there soon.
For your viewing pleasure -- my sweet Lovebugs.
I am also shocked that the little guy is coming home and doing so well. He's scrappy!
I just LOVE the pictures of them together. :-)
Yay that you both get to go home! And your daughter looks like such a proud big sister! What an adorable family!
Awwww, so cute.
Just remember the stool softner with those percosets, is all I'm going to add.
What a strong little man you've got!! So glad he's doing well and heading home with you tomorrow.
And I love the picture of the big sis giving him a kiss...so cute
Congratulations! That little guy is adorable.
Here from LFCA...
Congratulations on the arrival of your bumblebee! I hope that everyone has a smooth transition, and that the sibling love continues indefinitely!
Best wishes.
They are so cute together. She looks like such a great big sister.
cute and congrats!
Congrats on your new arrival! He is ADORABLE! Can't wait for the birth story. =)
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