Thursday, May 3, 2007


This feels a little weird. I'm not much of a writer, in fact it's something I've always really disliked and dreaded. I'm much more of a talker. However, since my husband is a very private person, we agreed to limit the number of people who know about our efforts to have another baby. So, I thought this might a good way to communicate my feelings about all this without having to actually tell anyone we know. This is definitely an experiment for me. I've tried journaling a number of times in my life; all I have to show for those efforts are a handful of nearly empty journals. I don't have any expectations about whether people will read this or find it interesting. But I think the illusion that I'm actually communicating with people will help keep me coming back, so I'm leaving it public for now.

In case you're curious... I came up with the title thanks to a trip to the toy store last weekend. My daugther was invited to a double birthday party and I was shopping for gifts. I'm strolling around the doll section and as I head down the Barbie aisle I look up and low and behold there is Barbie, holding a baby AND pregnant! I couldn't help but laugh out loud, thinking to myself "even Barbie can get pregnant!"

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