Friday, January 2, 2009

Welcome 2009!

2008 was definitely a year of ups and downs and I'm happy that it ended on the upside. If the beginning of 2009 is any indication, it should be a good year. We didn't actually do anything to ring in the new year. In fact, we were all in bed by midnight. But the morning of January 1, 2009 found my daughter snuggling next to me in bed like so many other non-work days. As we lay there I felt the Bumblebee kick so on a whim I took her hand and laid it on my belly. I felt a few more kicks, but she didn't feel anything. But after a couple of minutes there was one nice big kick that she felt. She was so excited -- immediately jumped up and yelled to her dad that she'd felt the baby. She said it felt like a "lump".

It's only the 2nd day of the year, and with about 18 weeks to go with this pregnancy I'm still a bit nervous (and impatient), but I have to say that right now I feel pretty hopeful that 2009 is going to be a good year. I sure hope it is for everyone else too!


LJ said...

Indeed, may 2009 be joyous for everyone.

Meghan said...

2009 is going to be fantastic!

I'm so glad she got to feel the baby kick. It must be neat to watch the pregnancy through her eyes.

Meghan said...
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